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Russia.  This vast land brings to mind many powerful images. The cold wastes of Siberia wherecompass.gif (22153 bytes) political prisoners under the Czars as well as the Soviets languished; a land where powerful rulers like Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Katherine the Great, and Stalin filled the pages of history with some of humanity's most heart wrenching and evocative moments and whose deeds and excesses loomed as large as the nation they dominated.

In this interactive website, I hope to give visitors a few small, inside glimpses of this huge nation so rich in history and the great contributions it has made to world literature, music, and science.  This is, in a sense, a tribute to Russia, its people, its past and its future.

Most of the photographs used in this interactive tour were taken during a 6-week trip to Russia in 1992 (see Interactive Map)

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